Methods in Plant Sciences 2023

September 24th – 27th, 2023 (Sunday evening - Wednesday)


17th Student Days in Plant Biology CS 2023

September 22ND – 24th, 2023

“Last minute” instructions

For speakers:
1) presentations will be uploaded to our PC in advance (latest during the coffee break before the session). Because of the time “pressure”, there is no option to connect the system to your PC. The best option will be to have your presentation on your USB stick. For details, you will be informed personally at the place.
2) you can find the time for your talk in the updated conference programme(s). The time consists of time for presentation + discussion (2-5 min; keynote lecture could have more time for discussion). Generally, it is 12 + 3 minutes for Student conference and 20 + 5 min for MPS2023 (but there are some shorter and longer contributions – see programme). Cha
3) for presentation, you can use 16:9 (widescreen template).
4) for MPS2023 speakers I would like to remind you that it is a conference focused on the method(s), so please customize your presentation for that purpose
5) all presentations are in English

For posters:
1) max. format is A0
2) Student conference: if you find time and goodwill/interest, there will be time on Friday evening during which we can organise flash talks for posters (max. 3 slides – max. 3 minutes). It is voluntary, and it should be used to attract attention to your poster (there will be a competition for the best poster :-)).

For online participants:
1) you will not be able to ask questions personally, but you will be able to write your questions in the chat, and if there are no questions from participants, we will read your question.
2) talks will not be recorded


Running program was announced. See the section Program.

Can’t attend the conference in person? No problem, we also
offer the online participation option.

Ten applications for fellowships were awarded: 

Jana Balarynová (Palacky University, CZ); Tetiana Kalachova (Inst. Exp. Bot. CAS, CZ); Adrienn Kelemen (University of Debrecen, HU); Jana Koller (University of Ostrava); Dariusz Kulus (Bydgoszcz Uni. of Sci. and Technology, PL); Vinod Kumar (Inst. Exp. Bot. CAS, CZ); Janto Pieters (Inst. Exp. Bot. CAS, CZ); Adéla Přibylová (Charles University, CZ); Karel Raabe (Inst. Exp. Bot. CAS, CZ); Zuzana Tulpová (Inst. Exp. Bot. CAS, CZ).


our sponzors / supporters