Česká společnost experimentální biologie rostlin
- Viničná 5, Praha 2, 12800
- +420 22195 1689
- +420 22195 1705
- +420 22195 1694
- csebr@csebr.cz
- Číslo účtu: 164527319/0800
- IBAN: CZ56 0800 0000 0001 6452 7319
The traditional international conference of the Czech Society of Experimental Plant Biology (CSEPB) for plant biology students will be this year, for the first time, held online. The conference is intended for Ph.D. students but Master or Bachelor students having interesting research results are also welcome. Valuable awards are prepared for the best presentations.
Martin Janda
Jana Albrechtová
Presenting formats:
Deadline extended till 28th August – download the registration form and send it filled to e-mail PBCS2021@csebr.cz.
Will be paid on CSEPB account before 31st August, 2021: Bank: Česká spořitelna, a.s., Bank account number: 164527319/0800, IBAN: CZ56 0800 0000 0001 6452 7319, BIC: GIBACZPX. VS: 202109. Please indicate your name in the message to the beneficiary for clear identification of your payment.
* A member of a national society of FESPB, e.g. CSEPB or SBS, does not have to pay a registration fee 300 CZK / 12 EURO. If you want to become a member of CSEPB, please, see instructions on our website. Fill in the registration form, apply for a membership and pay an annual fee to become a member of CSEPB, which is 250 CZK for a student. New members are cordially welcome! If you want to become a member of CSEPB, apply ASAP so you would be registered before the deadline of payment of registration fee.
Abstract submission: deadline extended till 28th August 2021 – download the Abstract muster and send it filled (in format of word document: name.docx (doc)) to e-mail PBCS2021@csebr.cz
Abstracts will be collected into the Abstract book which will be part of the Bulletin of CSEPB. It will be available on-line during the conference. The members of CSEPB will get the Bulletin also in paper version for free (without shipping costs).
Invited speakers:
Scientific committee: (evaluation of the presentations; decision on awards)
Scientific sessions and chairs:
Best lecture awards: 1st price: money + Invited review (for free) in Biologia Plantarum, 2nd price: money, 3rd price, money
Best presentation in field of Photosynthesis (or including photosynthetical results): Invited review (for free) in Photosynthetica
Best poster awards: money
Institute of Experimental Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences (http://www.ueb.cas.cz/en)
Photosynthetica (https://ps.ueb.cas.cz/)
Biologia Plantarum (https://bp.ueb.cas.cz/)
Charles University, Faculty of Science (https://www.natur.cuni.cz/eng)
The traditional international conference of the Czech Society of Experimental Plant Biology (CSEPB) for plant biology students will be this year, for the first time, held online. The conference is intended for Ph.D. students but Master or Bachelor students having interesting research results are also welcome. Valuable awards are prepared for the best presentations.
Česká společnost experimentální biologie rostlin